The Best Shops for Sweaters in Florence, Italy

FFT team selected the best shops in Florence where to buy good-quality sweaters, from luxury to low cost.

In fact, October is officially the month of sweater weather in Florence. Moreover, sweaters and knitwear offer a functional yet stylish way to protect against chilly temperatures.

Read more about what to wear in Florence in winter and fall here. Discover where to buy winter coats in Florence here.

Two women working on a sweater at Licia Luchini's atelier in Florence

Bespoke Luxury Sweaters at Licia Luchini

Licia Luchini, Via S. Niccolò, 7r

Licia Luchini makes completely hand-knitted sweaters in her showroom in San Niccolò in Florence. The company offers bespoke knitwear: the item is knitted according to the customer’s measurements, design, and yarn choices.

It is an extremely long and complicated job to knit by hand, and it requires a lot of experience. Reason why, the delivery is 4-6 weeks, with prices ranging from €450 to €900 depending on the fiber and design.

My Pieracci's beige sweater showcased on the street in Florence

Mid-Priced Cashmere Sweaters at My Pieracci

MYPIERACCI, Borgo Pinti 39r 

MYPIERACCI is a small design boutique in the center of the city, specializing in cashmere knitwear and accessories. All their sweaters are Made in Italy and customizable.

We are in love with their cashmere ponchos; their high-quality cashmere is so soft and light! Considering their quality, the sweaters are mediumly priced, as they range from 160 euro to 360 euro.

Colorful sweaters at Melrose Vintage in Florence

Low-Cost Knits at Melrose Vintage

Melrose Vintage, Via dei Ginori 18r

Melrose Vintage has been a beacon for Florentine vintage lovers in the shadow of the Brunelleschi dome since 1988.

You will find an impressive selection of the most eccentric sweaters in an all-American style frame, starting from 10 euro.

We hope you enjoyed reading about the best sweater shops in Florence, Italy.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information about our services!

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You can also call our office in Florence directly at +39 3383823126.

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